On the eve of Florida’s transition from the Frye Standard to the Daubert Expert Standard, Mr. Reyes together with members of the Dade County Bar Association’s Civil Litigation Committee organized a seminar exploring the practical effects of the change for lawyers and experts. The panel included prominent practitioners and judges from both the federal and state bench:
B. Murray, Squire Sanders
Andrew C. Bernstein, Berkowitz Pollack Brant Advisors and Accountants
Jeffrey Crockett, Coffey Burlington
Judge Ronald Dresnick, 11th Judicial Circuit of Florida
Judge Jose E. Martinez, United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Judge Ellen Leesfield, Retired, 11th Judicial Circuit of Florida
The interesting discussion addressed the panel’s opinion on the effect of the change. The panelist were split regarding the general effect of the change in standard. Mr. Crockett put together a primer on the pros and cons of the Daubert and Frye standard: FLORIDA LAW ON ADMISSIBILITY OF EXPERT TESTIMONY AFTER AMENDED FLA. ST. §90.702 (2013): DAUBERT OR NOT. [WILL HYPERLINK THE DOCUMENT]
Mr. Rosquete was instrumental in assisting the committee put this event together.
Mr. Reyes would like to acknowledge is co-chairs who help organize this event, Mssrs. Juan Farach, Esq., and Carlos Castillo, Esq.